Come join me live, “in person” this summer…

Hi! I’m Tim and I call myself a Mindset Coach, sometimes even “The Construct Cognoscente” (which should be said with an Italian accent of course!).

I’m on a mission to share as much wisdom, insight and understanding as I can to support you, or your community, to self-actualise as human beings in this often confusing, scary, funny and challenging experiment we call ‘life’.

How will I do that? Well, I will show you all you need to navigate a safe passage, mitigate the dangers and hazards and reframe your perspective to see past the hurdles and block out the noise. That might be at home, at work, or just inside of your mind.

Over my own 45 years on this earth, I am blessed to have experienced most genres of trauma including my family separation, bankruptcy, deaths, life changing illness and divorce and have felt a divine touch in love, harmony, success and peace.

My work life involves running a security & training business for the last 17 years, teaching all kinds of cool stuff, and I’m a professional boat skipper. My creativity, and some of my happy hormones, are indulged through writing and social media content creation.

This year I will release my new book, “The Waymaker Blueprint” and I genuinely hope it resonates with and inspires you.

Until then, stay grateful, stay honest and be blessed x

A bit of a gallery to show what I’m passionate about and how I invest my time (outside of writing and content creation)…

Contact me.

Do you have an idea of how I may add value to your team or community? How I may be able to get you closer to your potential by disrupting your manifestations? Let’s get this journey reframed!

I’m available for motivational speaking, organisational culture development, workplace-based training and guest speaking in panels and podcasts.